Repeat after me: I. AM. A. BABE.
Seriously - say it out loud!
No matter your size, shape, or age, you are PERFECT just the way you are.
Repeat after me: I. AM. A. BABE.
Seriously - say it out loud!
No matter your size, shape, or age, you are PERFECT just the way you are.
It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent." —Madeleine Albright
I totally get it—every woman has her own list of insecurities. Whether it’s scars, a round belly, crow’s feet, a bony frame, a big butt, or a double chin, or maybe you worry about the number on the scale or what size clothes you wear. It’s tough. Looking in the mirror and feeling like a rock star doesn’t always come easy. But know this: those things that feel like flaws? They’re part of what makes you, you—and I’m here to help you see the beauty in all of it.
Why am I a cheerleader for confidence? Because I still have to tell MYSELF that my body is worthy, too. After pregnancy, my body changed … and it totally took me by surprise. Not only was I hard on myself, but I was in a relationship at the time where the other person thought it was ok to cut me down because of my size. I absorbed a lot of negative messages about my body while I was struggling with my new identity as a mom.
I am still on my own self-confidence journey. But my daughter is in college and I am fierce about showing her and every woman that I meet that perfectionism is bullshit. That “perfect” person you see on social media? It’s only because they’re trying really hard to make it LOOK that way. It’s easy to start comparing ourselves to something that’s not even real.
When I photograph a boudoir session, I honestly don’t see the “flaws” you see. When it’s time to pick your favorite photos, I want you to see how smoking hot you are!! No matter your size or shape, I will pose you in a way that brings out your best side. You deserve to have photos that make you feel like you can conquer the world!